Thursday, January 26, 2012

Quickies: Outerwear Done Right

The good people at Things Is Cool just posted up about Stone Island's coats, and I must say, they are quite nice. Stone Island is a well-known brand on the other side of the pond, but here in the US, nary a soul has a clue about the label. The company is an offshoot of the popular Italian brand C.P. Company (think Banana Republic, but much better quality). In 1982, after C.P. & Co. designed a coat that just didn't seem to fit with the rest of it's line, the decision was made to create a new brand based on that design, the so-called tela stella. Stone Island has a strong maritime and military influence in many of it's pieces, and every single one looks great. I especially like the field jacket and the duffle (about $650 and $800, respectively):

Word has it that Europeans go nuts for Stone Island when they find them in the States. But word also has it that European soccer hooligans have co-opted the brand and it's been copied a thousand times. Either way, the coats look great.

Like the look, but can't afford to spend over $500 on a really nice coat that is guaranteed to last?...
Cheap(er) Shots:
Cole Haan Duffle for $290
Spiewak Field Jacket for $280

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