Wednesday, October 20, 2010

And Now for Something Fantastic...

We've all been to movie sites. will give you too much shit you just don't care about. Rotten Tomatoes requires a screening process to become a reviewer, and sure, it's a great place for an overall gauge of a movie, but you won't find much else there. IMdB will get you caught in the Wikipedia Vortex of never-ending clicking until you find yourself at Kevin Bacon, when all you wanted was Jon Hamm. Metacritic serves the same purpose of Rotten Tomatoes, but it's less reliable and has a worse reputation. And Ain't It Cool News is just fucking obnoxious. The list goes on, and every single one leaves you wanting for just a bit more. Well, want no more, weary surfers.

Flixist, the greatest movie site ever created, went live this Monday. And to no one's surprise, they're killing it. Standardized review scoring and multiple viewpoints for every review? Check. Exclusive videos of movies that aren't even out yet? Check. People who know what the hell they are talking about? Check. People who care about movies like you do? Check. The list, again, goes on. But instead of being left wanting, you're left with a satisfied calm only achieved by the greatest of websites. This is one of them. Don't agree with something the staff writers have to say? Join the community and start an epic flame war. Don't be shy, community is the backbone of the site (along with fantastic writing) Oh, and also, my brother runs the site. And one of my best friends writes for it. No bias.

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